Friday, 31 August 2012

Bee Desi

In case anybody's missed me, I've been a bit caught up with my fabulous quilting group, Desi Quilters. By some lucky happenstance, a group of highly talkative excited and talented women have found each other through the world wide web and there's been a lot of sharing and caring, both quilting and otherwise. The action happens in our 'drawing room', the Desi Quilters' facebook page. The group has a lot of activities going on and  one of them is the BEE DESI. Its a bee of 12 members and I am one of them. Have enjoyed making blocks for my fellow Desi Bees the last 2 months.

For Vidya2

For Veena

The popularity of the BEE DESI can be inferred from the fact that even the 2nd one is full and registrations are now on for the 3rd Bee. Do join our group if you'd like to participate in a quilting bee.

Btw. here's a block I made for my very first bee elsewhere, but unfortunately, that hive didnt last:

So, life'great..everything's buzzzzing ! Enjoy !


  1. beautiful blocks you made Tina. What ru going to do with the last one ? It's too pretty to just sitting idle as UFO :D

  2. What lovely stuff! If the FB bee an international one? I use FB much more than Flickr and would like to join a FB group

  3. Beautiful blocks. I would also like to know if the third bee is international.

  4. Your blocks are lovely and your group sounds great. I know everyone is asking the same question - are you international?

  5. Hi, Tina. Great blocks. I especially liked the block for Veena--it's a zinger! Also liked your small quilt in the previous post. Very pretty.
    best, nadia
